Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Republic For Which It Stands Under One GOD

After preparing for Tropical Storm Hanna, anticipation and anxiety are acceptable emotions
for adults. It is wonderful to have a dependable outside link to the world, wireless. I counted my blessings yesterday while the wind blew and rain pounding. I had to snicker under my breath alot, I had my reasons. My parents are here and that is always an experience. I looked at both quite a bit and I am still looking at them. Many thoughts run through a kid's mind when they look at their folks older, a lot older. They were my age when they retired ( at a young age I might add ) and it just does not feel like time has warp speed . Gray hairs mixed with dark brown- now it is me.

It a fact growing up was a task for my brother and I -lets not forget Mom. Military brats grow up a bit differently than civilian children do. We are short of saluting our Dad. Respect and reverence for an officer. Spit shine those shoes, stand up tall, shoulders back and clothing check.
Now it is my turn. Making sure they are "in fashion" when I take them out.
A great emotion comes out of this after all of these years: respecting our parents, respecting our Nation, respecting our Flag for which it flies. proudly.

Having lived all over the world, our four member unit had to be tough, lonely and dependable.
Our families were in the USA. Cousins playing in the surf, cookouts, Holy Days-everything Freedom allows us to celebrate. After coming back to the USA, here is a lesson all should experience: Oppression outside the USA-towards the American's-Military. Now, I am not implying all people treated us as obnoxious brats that the King James let free with Land Grants and money and status. But in a sense, that is exactly what my unit was, simply put, it was the truth. We fit in anywhere, but, home was and is the USA.

This Republic for which it stands was fought with blood-death-misery. A lot of the heritage still remains within many of us- the will to fight - question our Government as our Founding Father's Guaranteed in the Declaration. Our Bill of Rights - Our Constitution .

History is being made in Gloucester, Virginia. Being a landowner there, and living in New Kent, I am voicing my opinion on the narfarious deeds concerning the BOS, who have been indicted.
This is the first time in the 4th Circuit Jurisdiction,the petitioners have gotten an indictment.
This is a great country in that we are questioned - but not hindered to speak up and act.
We can vote without question. We can Pray regardless of where we are. Our Bibles are not taken out of our homes. We can cross state lines without being hauled in to be questioned as to our coming and going. Yes, we the people can make changes one step at a time. Diligence and
tenacity is required. Faint hearts-have no idea what takes place to get from step 1 to the end.

This Nation is young. A Powerful Nation under the Seal of GOD. I wonder, how many have ever asked themselves, how did this Nation become so great in such a short period of time. Have you?

One Nation Under GOD. 10 Commandments

Not Obama-not allah.

Keep this nation CHRISTIAN/JUDAIC foundation. If we let this foundation fall, we all fall.
As any builder would know, if the foundation is poorly constructed- your'e going under.
Remember Our Seal-Under One GOD.

And this is my opinion and I am a Patriot following my Heritage to the end.

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